Okay, y’all it’s Monday and finally catching up from our vacation to the coast this past weekend. We had an absolute blast! Parker got to experience a little bit of everything from the beach, to swimming, and even hand-feeding deer Cheetos. We only had one hiccup with one of the deer wanting more Cheetos…which then turned to poor Parker being pawed by a deer! He’s totally fine and okay but the rest of the weekend, Parker saw the deer and was yelling at them and pointing, “Bad deer, bad deer.” (insert giggles here)
Seriously, can’t make this up.
For anyone wondering how this happened, a road trip with a 2 year old child for 3 hours that’s begging to be outside… well, you can turn your back for 2 seconds and literally anything can happen.
J.T. said, “I turned and saw the deer pounce his foot but before I could move in.. (insert several laughs) it was too late.”
So literally within 15 minutes of our arrival we had a story from our weekend. #parentingfail #baddeer
However, outside of the one little hiccup we had an amazing time with family and friends. We sat out by the pool, my Brother, Brad made his infamous margs and we topped off the weekend with bringing in almost 40 trout from the bay. And yes, we had a celebratory fish fry, laughs, cool drinks, and of course island music. I think you can say success!
Along with those good vibes I just had to bring up my fun time with Ms. Sofia! I think it might have been 5 minutes into our session and we were cracking up. Sofia is so much fun and just a doll! Also we didn’t realize that balloons had a mind of their own. To get the 2018 to look 2018 and not 5018 took some patience and praying that the breeze would work in our favor. But our patience completely paid off and these shots were totally worth it!! These came out so so so cute! We then ditched the balloons for a few minutes and just took in the beautiful scenery of the Texas A&M University – San Antonio Campus. Y’all, it’s sooooo GORGEOUS!! If you haven’t been you need to check it out!
We took a few head shots and if y’all know me these little trees just had to be in the portrait session. I adore trees!! Also, is it just me, or are seniors just more and more gorgeous?! Sofia’s makeup was on point and just beyond fabulous! Brianna did such an amazing job on Sofia’s makeup and you can find out more about her services here.
Oh and on numerous occassions I would read this sign and said say, “Wahoo!” vs. “Wohoo!” No matter how much I tried I kept saying it?! Am I the only one?
I absolutely loved this quote that Sofia had calligrapher write on her cap it’s the Spanish translation, “The best is yet to come.”
Okay and here it is! This was both of our first experiences with busting open a ‘Shooting Champagne’ shot. I drink mimosas but never shake the bottle, I think the looks on our faces should’ve been on video! You would have thought each time she shook it is was a bomb before we popped the top. So if you are looking to do this, shake the bottle a good 5-10 shakes or for 30 seconds and point the popper far away from any walls, windows, or people. Also you can re-shake the bottle to do more shots as well if need to be. I’m definitely now an experienced Champagne Popper! Too much fun!!
I am so excited for the adventures Sofia is going to embark on and know she is going to accomplish such wonderful things out in this big kid world that we reference to the ‘adult world.’ Cheers to you sweet lady!!
I just know all of your clients have fun with you! You captured her beautifully.