Girlfriend, it has been TRIPLE digit heat the past few weeks here in Texas and weddings this time of year although are a lot of fun…it’s critical to keep the heat index in mind when planning your big day.
Because, 110F heat + a poofy ball gown can lead to quick overwhelm and anxiety of sweat and emotions if not handled properly.
Therefore, you’re in luck (as I have been photographing weddings for the majority of my weekends this Summer) I have decided to create a list of the top 5 essentials to have before your big day!
Now if you’re a hot natured gal and it doesn’t matter if it’s cold outside or if you’re an avid wedding guest, this post is also for you. Nothing is worse than being hot and trying to keep our outer beauty on point.
Essential #1 Baby Powder
Now, I know what you are all are thinking, “Baby powder?! What in the world Jess?!”

But trust me, girlfriend, you are going to want to pack a little travel size (or big bottle for you and your bride tribe) this stuff is amazing and keeps your thighs from sticking together.
This was my saving grace when I got married! We put it in the bodess of my dress, legs, and also a small amount under my straps to keep from having them rub my skin raw. Trust me, you may think it’s weird, but this will help tremendously.
Essential #2 Hair Spray … that ACTUALLY holds
If you have seen my instagram stories lately, you’ll know that I had recently photographed a wedding all day in the Texas Heat. Y’all I sweated through my clothes multiple times, triple digits is no joke!
However, my hair (which is naturally flat) stayed curled with my flat iron curl method and THE BEST HAIR SPRAY EVER “Freeze It” hairspray. I have used the $20 Big Sexy Hair and Kendra brands and none work as good as this stuff! Do not walk, run to the store and PUT THIS IN YOUR BAG!
Also if I don’t have makeup setting spray, I do spray this on my face to hold my makeup in place. (P.S. Spray arms length away from your face) It’s worked out pretty well for me so far.

You can buy it here on Amazon Freeze it HairSpray
Essential #3 Dress Fluffing …Always

Okay, I know this photo doesn’t explain dress fluffing, (sleeping toddler about to wake up as I write this). Basically, dress fluffing is taking the bottom layers of the dress and fluffing them to bring air to the legs. “Ooo la la fancy?” Am I right?
On a serious note, I have had brides say that they are almost done with the heat and giving them a good fluff every 10 minutes or so saves them.
Let’s face it, we know it’s hot but your romantic portraits of you and your husband are pictures you are going to love for the rest of your lives.
If you and your photographer aren’t on the dress fluffing kind of relationship, like me and my girls, tell your maid of honor to stick around during portraits and help you conquer the heat. A good fluff MAKES ALL the difference IN THE WORLD!
Essential #4 A personal cooler bag for you and the hubs
Nothing, I mean nothing, is better than an ice cold drink on a hot summer day. You can all attest to that, so don’t kid yourself after 30 minutes outside in the sun during your ceremony, you’re going to be thirsty. You will be in layers, a veil, etc. and your husband will be in a full suit. Hydration is key. I do try to bring a small glass of water over to my couples but sometimes it is impossible with a busy cocktail bar.
Therefore, to be uber prepared this Rtic Cooler will do the trick!
** And it also has POCKETS !! Do yourself another favor and put towels in here for you both. If you get too hot, we can always put the towels in the water and gently place on your neck or legs. Key is to keep cool and not ruin makeup or hair.**

This is the knock off brand of Yeti, and it is big enough for a few bottles of water and a few beers shy of a 6 pack. This will be the best thing you ever did for yourself. Here is the link here: RTIC TIFFANY BLUE COOLER
Essential #5 A touch-up bag
Now, I know this might sound like a “captain obvious” kind of thing but you are going to want this bag. While you’re getting bustled up in the a/c you will be so GLAD you did this for yourself.

Your touchup bag should include at a minimum:
- Face Powder (ask your makeup artist for a touch-up makeup, some are awesome to send off with a little makeup kit)
- Lipstick, you will have shared a few kisses and the heat can melt this off. Lips you’ll want to touch up.
- Deodorant, there’s no worse feeling than not having this!
- Perfume, you will be hugging folks like super Heros kiss babies, you’ll want this.
- Bobby pins, for those few strands of hair that came loose or maybe to transform your hair from half up to all the way up. You can do anything in this world with bobby pins. I feel strongly about this like rednecks do about duct tape.
- Over the counter pain medicine, I take Aleve gels, they help with achy-feet before they become unbearable and will help with not feeling rundown/the traditional wedding hangover feeling, the next day as you head to your honeymoon.
Okay triple digits is no joke… and because we’re extra when it comes to the heat
Essential #6 A Misting Fan

I can see your husbands thanking you for this one. I would put this bad boy in the personal cooler for extrs bonus points. #winning
To purchase a fan like this one, use this link here.
I hope you guys enjoyed this post, if you guys loved it be sure to leave a comment below. I always enjoy reading them!!
Until next time on Wedding Tip Wednesday!

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