Shayne & Ted
A few weeks ago I captured these beautiful engagement portraits of Shayne & Ted both at a natural park and downtown New Braunfels, TX.

Okay y’all I have to be honest here, when I first spoke with Shayne over the phone about her wedding we spent the first 45 minutes … not talking about the wedding.
I adore her!
Shayne is so down to earth and I absolutely love it! As a mom we instantly connected and felt as if I have known her for the past 10 years not the past few months. Along with Ted, (or as Shayne calls him, “Teddy”) and his ability to joke and reference his mullet being a lifestyle choice. But then by day is a rockstar ER doctor working on the front lines. For so many reasons, it’s easy to say I cannot wait for these two amazing people to tie the knot!

Me: “Ted, say something funny.”
Ted: “Something funny.”

Okay, put a fork in me… I’m done. Aren’t these guys adorable together?

This entire wall was completely filled with ‘Pride of Barbados’ and it was beautiful. There was a car parked close so I couldn’t photograph too wide, but I did manage to have Shayne’s ring photographed with these little beauties.

Ted won me over when he said, “Man, this a great door – I can see myself drinking a beer here sometime.”

So romantic.

I cannot wait for these two to say, “I do!” soon!

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