Okay so if you read my previous post from my sister, Kristan’s Maternity Session (link here) you’ll see I get a little sappy about this sweet new chapter in her life and how amazing she looked with her little bump! But now the bump is gone and our sweet Lexi is here! I was fortunate enough to be alongside my family when Lexi made her debut into this world. Her first cry was a beautiful sound and my inner Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman was totally part of the scene. Ha! If you don’t know this show or never heard of it either 1 of 2 things #1) I am old now and my youth is gone or #2) You grew up with more than 6 channels and not out in the sticks.
But nonetheless, she’s here, she’s sweet and I can snuggle her to my heart’s desire. I love my new sweet baby girl and if you didn’t know she was born within 24 hours of my nephew! Crazy right?! I am one blessed Aunt! TO meet my little nugget of a nephew check out this is session right here. Til then just #insertallthehearteyes! Oh and checkout the last portraits on this post they are too funny!
This little rascal was not happy about being partially naked! All she wanted was her pacifier and blanket! Ha! Little sassy thing!
When your Mama & Daddy are avid fishermen, you wear Costas to your portrait session! I giggled quite a bit at this – too dang cute!
Sweet baby girl! You captured these moments perfectly!
These are precious! I can’t wait for you to take Lucas’s newborns! @amanda_rose_garcia