Lisa & Sonny’s Engagement Session
Okay, did you bring your tissues? Or are you a seasoned Hallmarker? Because the cuteness and preciousness of this session is equal to a litter of puppies. Be prepared to say “AHHHHHHhhh!!!!!”
Lisa & Sonny, where do I even begin? They’re amazing!! Their engagement session at our cattle ranch in Poteet was just magical! These two love so hard and just I’m here for it!

Also, fun fact since this session and knowing Lisa’s obsession with cheetah print I have spot her several times at our local coffee shop from her car. Our coffee shop line talks are so much fun!! Love this one!

I mean, did Hallmark call for their next movie? C’mon!

Also… they have the most precious baby, Emma Shae! I love her!

Me: “Slow dance together like no one is watching…”
Them: “Like this…”

STOOOOOPP!! Ugh I can’t!

I am so ready for October to be here!!! I can’t wait!

They are so beautiful. Love all of them. You did an awesome job. Can’t wait to see her bridal pictures and wedding photos.